

The Coveted Grand Lodge of British Columbia & Yukon
Certificate: Awarded to all Lodge
Brethren Who Qualify!

Victoria-Columbia Lodge No.1 Ancient Free and Accepted Masons has been proudly operating as an Emulation-Work Lodge since 1859. Located in Victoria, British Columbia, the Lodge was first Chartered by the United Grand Lodge of England, then later by the Grand Lodge of British Columbia (now known at the Grand Lodge of British Columbia & Yukon). Victoria-Columbia No.1 is older than Canada has been a country, and our Lodge is rich in history and tradtions.

Visitors to this website, particularly those men considering becoming a Freemason, are encouraged to enjoy and explore the information provided here, as well as the links to the Grand Lodge of British Columbia & Yukon and other Freemasonry online resources.



Music For Youth: A Victoria-Columbia Lodge No.1 Community Event!


Victoria-Columbia Lodge No.1 established a musical instrument refurbishment and donation programme in 2007; various schools in the Victoria area had their music departments bolstered by these donations and a number of students had a new-found access to critically needed instruments!

Every year a free showcase concert by the supported school is performed at the Fisgard St Masonic Hall. Plans are underway for the 2025 concert, tentatively scheduled for June. All Freemasons, guests and students' families invited!.

Stay tuned for updates on the concert and for more information, please click the "Music For Youth" tab at the top of this page!


Installation 2025

Another highly successful Open Installation was conducted on January 4th 2025! Special guests included the suites from the Grand Lodge of British Columbia & Yukon, the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Washington and the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington and Jurisdiction. After the Installation, everyone enjoyed a fabulous banquet at the Hotel Grand Pacific and the tradition of outstanding Victoria-Columbia Lodge No.1 hospitality continued unbroken!

Please click-on the picture for the full-size image!

Master's Greeting


I am deeply humbled and profoundly grateful for the trust and confidence you have placed in me by electing me to serve as Worshipful Master of this esteemed Lodge.

Your faith in my ability to uphold the traditions and principles of Freemasonry is both an honour and a solemn responsibility. I assure you that I will dedicate myself wholeheartedly to the duties entrusted to me, striving always to lead with integrity, wisdom, and compassion.

Together, as brothers united in purpose, let us continue to strengthen the bonds of fellowship and further the noble work of our Craft. Thank you for this privilege to serve, and may the Great Architect of the Universe guide us in all our endeavours.

W.Bro Shayne H. Eldridge
Worshipful Master


Lodge News & Events

    Upcoming Lodge Meetings:

    -Meetings first Thursday of every month, including July & August! Victoria-Columbia is the only Lodge in the Victoria area that operates year-round. Regular tyling at 7:30 PM.

Next In-Person Meeting:

Thursday March 6th, 2025

Regular Meeting. The Lodge normally offers a pre-meeting supper, social at 5:30 PM, supper at 6:00 PM and the Lodge tyles at 7:30 PM. Cost is $20, payable to the Junior Warden. Please RSVP to the Junior Warden, jw@victoriacolumbia.ca at least 2 days prior to the meeting!

Always good eats at Victoria-Columbia Lodge No.1!

Visiting Freemasons always welcome at Victoria-Columbia both for socials/suppers and meetings!

2025 Annual Dues

For added convenience, Victoria-Columbia will be sending Brethren an online invoice this year. It will be a simple matter of clicking on the invoice or scanning the invoice's QR code!

Cash, cheque and e-transfers will still be possible. Details will be on your invoice.

The dues for 2025 are:

$350 Regular
$250 Affiliate; and
$110 Port Angeles

Want to make a donation to the Lodge? Please click the graphic below:

  • Why Victoria-Columbia No.1 For a "Masonic Journey"?

  • Amor de Cosmos: Second premier of British Columbia and a founding member of Victoria-Columbia Lodge No.1

    Men considering becoming a Freemason often have to choose between various Lodges and types of Freemasonry practiced. Victoria-Columbia No.1 is proud of being the first Lodge (1859) established on the Pacific-side of Canada, and being one of the co-builders of the beautiful Fisgard St. Freemasons' Hall in dowtown Victoria (1880).

    English Past Master Robert Burnaby (the City of Burnaby was named after him) acted as one of the Installing Masters at the constitution of  Victoria Lodge No. 1085
    in 1860


    The current members of the Lodge enjoy 166-years of history and preemminence of Freemasonry in British Columbia!

    Other Web Links

Schedule of Events & Meetings in Lodges of District One and Vancouver Island


The Appeal of Freemasonry

"What attracts a man to Freemasonry? Every man comes of his own free will and accord, with his own individual needs and interests. One man may join so that he can associate with other men who believe that only by improving themselves can they hope to improve the world. Another man may join because he is looking for a focus for his charitable inclinations. And yet another may be attracted by a strong sense of history and tradition. Many join simply because they knew a friend or relative who was a freemason and they admired that man’s way of living his life. All who join and become active discover a bond of brotherly affection and a community of mutual support; a practical extension of their own religious and social beliefs."

Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon

Seals of Victoria-Columbia Lodge No.1 &
The Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon

Victoria-Columbia Seal
Vcitoria-Columbia Grand Lodge Seal